Hybrid Processes on radio: how the video camera is becoming part of a new format of radio shows

Claudio Yutaka Suetu, Daniel Gambaro, Thais S. Ramos


Web gave radio the possibility to create new content conformed to new forms of audience. For example, the website of a station allows the simultaneous video transmission of an aired program, with cameras installed inside the studio. In most cases, the video transmission simply emulates a fixed “security camera”, with no other function than to record whatever happens inside the studio. However, today one may find examples of radio shows with video cameras performing a more significant role, using the most of visual language to complement the sound. This new configuration brings a doublequestion: How to serve two different audiences, one that is just listening and other that is also watching, without losing some radio language’s characteristics – like mental images’ creation and listeners’ engagement?. The proposed paper analyses some Brazilian radio shows, such as Jovem Pan Morning Show, of Jovem Pan Network, and Cultura Livre, of public station Cultura Brasil, in order to understand the dynamics between camera and sound. In addition, the paper also compares original radio productions to their adaptation to TV; and briefly discusses the simultaneous transmission of a TV show both in television and in radio stations – especially newscasts and talk shows.


Radio; video; Internet; remediation

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.:: LASICS ::.
Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)
Universidade do Minho