The TV as a radio

Vyara Angelova


The present paper deals with an analysis of currently popular practice in Bulgaria – TVs to retranslate their broadcasts directly on the radio. The broadcasted content is mainly news and talk shows, but sometimes it includes movies too. The considered matter will be discussed in the context of penetration of the TV and radio media into the online space.
The multimedia companies owning both TV and radio stations use the radio as a platform for TV content broadcasting. This rises several questions: why there is no, little or insufficient authentic radio content production? Is it possible the existence of radio listener without TV experience at present? Does the TV turn to “audio wallpaper”? Can we consider this single direction cross media approaches as a lifeguard for the radio survival as a media? How all of these look like in the Global Network?


Radio; TV; media convergence; Internet

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.:: LASICS ::.
Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)
Universidade do Minho