Research Team

Rosa Cabecinhas (Principal Investigator)

RCRosa Cabecinhas, Ph.D. in Communication Sciences (area of specialization: Social Psychology of Communication), is Associate Professor at the Social Sciences Institute of the University of Minho. She was the former Deputy-Director of the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) and the Head of the Master Degree Program in Communication Sciences. Currently, she is the Director of the Communication Sciences Department at the same university. Her research interests include diversity and intercultural communication, social memory, social representations, social identity, stereotypes and social discrimination. Her work has been published in several peer-reviewed journals, including the “Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology”, the “International Journal of Psychology”, the “International Journal of Conflict and Violence”, the “International Communication Gazette”, the “Swiss Journal of Psychology” and “Science”. She is the author of “Preto e Branco: A naturalização da discriminação racial” (2007) and “Comunicação Intercultural: Perspectivas, Dilemas e Desafios” (with Luís Cunha, 2008).

Conceição Nogueira (Senior Researcher)

CNConceição Nogueira, Ph.D. in Social Psychology (1997), is Associate Professor with Aggregation at the organic unit of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto. Until 2012, she coordinated the project entitled “Sexual Citizenship of Lesbian (Women) in Portugal. Experiences of discrimination and possibilities for change” (PIHM/GC/0005/2008), as well as the “Scripts for sexuality in teenage girls’ magazines” Project (PTDC/CCI/64702/2006) in 2007. She has published in a wide range of international journals, such as “Feminism and Psychology”, the “Journal of Women and Politics” and “Psicologia e Sociedade”. She is also the author of several books, such as “Um novo olhar sobre as relações sociais de género. Uma perspectiva feminista crítica na Psicologia Social”. She was a recipient of the following prominent awards: the “Women and Investigation Award” (1998) by the Commission for Equality and Women’s Rights and the “Interaction with Society Award” (2010) by the School of Psychology from the University of Minho.

Carla Cerqueira (Junior Researcher)

CCCarla Cerqueira, Ph.D. in Communication Sciences, with a specialization in Communication Psychology, is a researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), University of Minho. She is currently a guest lecturer in this department and a postdoctoral grantee in Communication Sciences. Her research interests include gender and media studies, feminist epistemology and technologies. Her first academic degree is in Social Communication (2000-2005), from the Communication Sciences Department at the University of Minho. Moreover, she holds a Post-Graduate Degree in Communication Sciences (area of specialization: Journalism and Information) from the same university. She worked as a journalist. Since October 2012, she has served as vice-chair of the Gender and Communication Section of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). She maintains an active involvement with the Women’s Union Alternative and Response (UMAR), a Portuguese non-governmental organization where she is working in a project on gender representations in the Portuguese media.

Sara I. Magalhães (Junior Researcher)

SIMSara I. Magalhães received her Ph.D. Degree in Psychology (2011), with a specialization in Educational Psychology, from the University of Minho, with the thesis entitled “How to become a Ragazza. Discourses of sexuality in a teenage girls’ magazine”. She was awarded with a PhD scholarship by the Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT) between 2007 and 2011 to conduct her research at the School of Psychology of the University of Minho. She has worked in several FCT-funded projects, such as the “Scripts for sexuality in teenage girls’ magazines” and the “Gender in focus: social representations in Portuguese generalist newsmagazines”. Her main research interests include gender studies, education, media, sexualities and feminisms. Presently, she is a collaborative member of the Centre for Psychology of the University of Porto. She is also a feminist activist, as well as a member of the General Assembly of the Portuguese Women’s Studies Association (APEM) and of the coordination team of the APEM emergent researchers network (e-APEM). She works at UMAR in the FSE/POPH-financed project entitled “PubliDiversity – social representations and gender equality in publicity”.

Anabela Santos (Junior Research Fellow)

site 003Anabela Santos is a FCT Junior Research Fellow working on the project “Gender in focus: social representations in Portuguese generalist newsmagazines”, which has been carried out at the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) of the University of Minho. In 2013, she received her Master´s Degree in Political Science (area of specialization: Human Rights) from the Russian State University for the Humanities. Moreover, she holds a Licentiate Degree and a Master´s Degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Minho. In 2008, she conducted research at the CECS as an intern under the scope of the project “Women and the Public Sphere: the role of the media in critical areas of concern of Beijing Platform for Action” (PTDC/CCI/67146/2006). Along her academic path, she had internship experiences at the United Nations human/women’s rights agencies, such as the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). Since 2007, she has been involved in feminist activism, particularly, through a close collaboration with the Women´s Union Alternative and Response (UMAR).

Mariana Bernardo (Research Collaborator)

MBMariana Bernardo holds a Licentiate Degree and a Master´s Degree in Psychology from the Portuguese Catholic University (2004-2009). From April 2010 to March 2013, she was a FCT Junior Research Fellow under the scope of the CECS-initiated project “Gender in focus: social representations in Portuguese generalist newsmagazines”. Although she is currently living in the UK, she continues to participate in this project as a collaborator.


Elisabeth Aafje van Zoonen | Loughborough University – Department of Social Sciences

Karen Ross | Northumbria University – Department of Media and Communication Design

Margaret Gallagher | Independent Researcher

Maria João Silveirinha | University of Coimbra – Faculty of Letters (Jornalistic Studies Institute)