Helena Sousa

Principal Investigator

Communication and Society Research Center


Helena Sousa is a Professor of the Communication Sciences Department and member of steering committee of the Communication and Society Research Centre (CSRC) of the University of Minho. Formerly a journalist in the Portuguese daily newspaper “Jornal de Notícias” in 1988, she started lecturing at the City University, in London. At the moment, Helena Sousa lectures at the University of Minho where she has also held the chair of Director of the Communication Sciences Degree, Director of the Communication Sciences Department, President of the Social Sciences Degree Council and Vice-President of the Institute of Social Sciences.

Helena Sousa is currently member of the editorial board of the European Journal of Communication, President of the Political Economy Section of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and Full Member of the EuroMedia Research Group.





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