Joaquim Fidalgo

Communication and Society Research Centre



Joaquim Fidalgo is an Assistant Professor at the University of Minho (Braga – Portugal), where he teaches Journalism. He is also a senior researcher at the Communication and Society Research Centre, a Research Unit belonging to the Institute of Social Sciences of the same University, and formally acknowledged by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). He has finished his PhD in January 2007, with a dissertation on journalists’ professional identity, ethics and self-regulation. Before joining the University, he has worked as a professional journalist between 1980 and1999 insome of the most relevant Portuguese newspapers (“Jornal de Notícias”, “Expresso”, “Público”) and as Press Ombudsman for the daily newspaper “Público” (1999-2001). He has published several books, book chapters and articles in scientific journals, mainly regarding issues of press and journalism (journalists’ ethics, media accountability systems, media and journalists’ regulation mechanisms, new media). He has participated in different international research projects (e.g. MDM-2007, MDM-2010, EUMPI – “Indicators for Media Pluralism”, INDIREG – “Indicators for independence and efficient functioning of audiovisual media services regulatory bodies”), mostly concerning issues of media monitoring, media pluralism and media regulation. He is a member of ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association) and of IAMCR (international Association for Media and Communication Research).

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