Author Archives: admin
Magalhães laptops in Venezuelan prison
The Portuguese laptop, exported to Venezuela with the name of Canaima, was discovered in a prison in San Antonio next to guns and drugs for trafficking. The images of the computer appear in a story of the The New York Times which portrays the lifestyle of the Venezuelan prison, led by a famous drug dealer, El Conejo, according to the reports of the online edition of … Continue reading
Study reveals children have emotional relationship with Magalhães laptop
In an academic study under the theme “The Influence of ICT in Learning, “ the student of the Professional School of Braga (EPB), Ana Lima, concluded that”children have an emotional relationship with Magalhães computer and playing games leads their preferences “. The study was based in texts about Magalhães laptops, produced by students of the elementary school EB 1 of Figueiredo … Continue reading
Information Society in the eyes of political parties
According to the iGOV news site, the Association for the Promotion and Development of the Information Society (APDSI) discussed with political parties, proposals for the developing of the Information Society, just days before the national election. In education, Carlos Patrão, from Bloco de Esquerda, defends the implementation of ICT in schools, but suggests that this “should be done through laboratories in schools and … Continue reading
Sócrates explains Magalhães distribution programme to children
The Portuguese Socialist leader, José Sócrates was interrupted by a student who thanked him for delivering Magalhães computers. Doing campaign, in the North of the country, the candidate for prime minister replied that the government distributed Magalhães computers so that “in the future”, students could handle “well with the Information and Communication Technologies”. Source: Read more [...]
Elementary students involved in technological mega event
The second meeting of technology (II Encontro tecnológico), organized by the autarchy of Barcelos, predicts the participation of more than three thousand 1st cycle students accompanied by Magalhães computers. According to the newspaper Destak, 3rd and 4th grade students, from Barcelos elementary schools, will be in permanent contact with computers, internet and online games, between 23 and 27 May. … Continue reading