Research team meets with consultants

At the meeting attended Evelyne Bevort (CLEMI) and Manuel Pinto (CECS), project consultants.

The team’s research project entitled “Navigating with Magalhães”, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), met last Thursday, January 19th, with Evelyne Bevort, from the Centre de Liaison de l’Enseignement et d’Information des Medium (CLEMI) and Manuel Pinto, from the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) of University of Minho.

At the meeting, the intervention of consultants was a milestone in the development of the research by allowing a “look abroad on the various phases of the project, including the performed and ongoing tasks”, notes the principal investigator, Sara Pereira.

Taking advantage of coming to Portugal, the representative of the CLEMI, Evelyne Bevort, also participated in the seminar “Media education as a way of critically reading the world”, held on last Friday, Jan. 20th, at the University of Minho. The investigator Pérez Tornero, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​was unable to attend the meeting on Thursday, for health reasons, but it is hoped that he visits Braga in the 1st and 2nd of March.

The meeting took place at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho.

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