Tag Archives: ICT
61 thousand more Magalhães laptops in schools of Uruguay
For the third consecutive time, the company thta produces Magalhães laptops, JP Sá Couto, won a competition in Uruguay for the distribution of 61 thousand computers in schools of that country. According to the newspaper SOL, the contest launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay is part of … Continue reading
Expected the highest concentration of Magalhães laptops in National Science Competitions
Over two hundred of Magalhães computers will be available to all participants of the National Science Competitions that will take place over the next days 23, 24 and 26 of April, at the University of Aveiro. According to the blog Escola Digital, the event is for young people, aged between 7 and 18 years, and aims to “create and develop culture and science … Continue reading
Azores bet on laptops in schools
The National Public Procurement Agency will acquire more than a thousand laptops to equip schools of the 1st cycle of basic education in the autonomous region of Azores. According to RTP Azores, unlike ‘e.escolinha’ and ‘Magellan’ computer, the Regional Secretariat for Education and Training wants the computers to be “part of theschool and not the student,” allowing the school … Continue reading
President of ANPRI points to the lack of quality training in the implementation of Magalhães laptops
In an interview to the educational website educare.pt, related to the possible extinction of ICT in the 9th grade, the president of the National Association of Teachers of IT (ANPRI), Antonio Ramos argues that the introduction of the Magalhães computers in … Continue reading
Study reveals children have emotional relationship with Magalhães laptop
In an academic study under the theme “The Influence of ICT in Learning, “ the student of the Professional School of Braga (EPB), Ana Lima, concluded that”children have an emotional relationship with Magalhães computer and playing games leads their preferences “. The study was based in texts about Magalhães laptops, produced by students of the elementary school EB 1 of Figueiredo … Continue reading