
In 2009, the Evens Foudation awarded  the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) of the University of Minho and the British Film Institute (England) the “Prize for Intercultural Education 2009 – Media Education“.

The application submitted by CECS (with the team of researchers Sara Pereira, coordinator, Luís Pereira and Manuel Pinto) resulted in a project entitled Media Education in Booklets: Learning, Knowing and Acting.

The prize awarded by the Evens Foundation, Belgium, under the patronage of the European Commissioner for Information, Society and Media, Viviane Reding, was designed “to highlight the importance of media education and to support the development of new sustainable projects in this field in Europe, aimed at children”.

The CECS project has resulted in the production of three booklets that include the graphic creation of characters (by Pedro MotaTeixeira) as well as texts and drawings done by children and young people from several schools of the region of Braga. The booklets sought to provide parents and educators with useful information on how to deal with the relationship between children and media. The first booklet focused on TV and was followed by two others – one about Videogames and the third about the Internet and Social Networks.

The Portuguese version of these booklets was distributed for free by a regional newspaper, with a circulation of about 9000 copies, and disseminated in schools, libraries and scientific conferences. In order to cross borders and reach a wider audience, they were translated into English.

Contacts and more information: here.