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Noel B. Salazar: seminar´s keynote speaker


Noel B. Salazar is Research Professor in Anthropology at the University of Leuven, Belgium. He is editor of the Worlds in Motion (Berghahn) and Anthropology of Tourism (Lexington) book series, co-editor of Keywords of Mobility (2016), Regimes of Mobility (2014) and Tourism Imaginaries (2014), and author of Envisioning Eden (2010) and numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on mobility and travel. Current research interests include typologies of travellers, discourses and imaginaries of Otherness, heritage, cultural brokering and cosmopolitanism. Salazar is vice-president of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, past president of the European Association of Social Anthropologists and founder of ANTHROMOB, the EASA Anthropology and Mobility Network. In 2013, he was elected as member of the Young Academy of Belgium.



The aim of this international and interdisciplinary conference is to debate 21st century research about culture, mobility, time and space.
Always present in society, in the recent decades mobility of people and things has become so important that some authors like Urry, Sheller and Cresswell proposed it as an actual theoretical and epistemological paradigm to understand globalized society. Amongst others, transport developments, particularly automobile and airplane, have heightened that trend deeply fueling the transformation of people ways of life, specifically within urban and metropolitan spaces.
Information and communication technologies had propelled similar transformative effects easing the emergence of novel uses and allocations of time and space.  That is why Kauffman putted forward the concept of motility, stressing the individual potential for mobility within a hypermodern and complex world where at the same time there are groups people excluded from this trend and highly immobile.
At a time when studies developed by different scientific fields have already highlighted the relevance of several of the above mentioned changes, there is a need to open up new avenues for understanding the cultural reconfiguration processes taking place, namely spatial and temporal dimensions. To achieve this objective new epistemological and methodological tools provided by transdisciplinary approaches need to be developed and debated.
Following the route of seminal scientific regards which consider time, space and distance cultural entities, Living Mobilities aims to be an opportunity to join researchers from diverse scientific areas, as well as policy makers and other professionals who may contribute to further develop the theoretical and methodological approaches which may respond to those new theoretical and practical challenges.
