
logo 23-24. April. 2015

NET Station International Conference on Radio, Sound and Internet. University of Minho

(with the participation of 11 countries: Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Poland, Austria, Romania, United Kingdom, Denmark, Bulgaria, Germany, France).

cinema 4, 11, 18, 25. March. 2015

Cinema circle. Radio Days; Good morning, Vietnam; Talk radio; The boat that rocked. University of Minho, Braga.


13. February. 2015

World Radio Day

Radio for and/or with youngers. National action promoted by the project and sponsored by Antena 1.


21. May. 2014

Seminar on the challenges of radio studies in time of crisis, with Manuel Fernández, from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. University of Minho, Braga.


13. February. 2014

Radio at school. The research team visited an elementary school. Experimental broadcast of radio production.

Debate “25 years of local radios”, with António Durães, Francisco Amaral and Luís Miguel Loureiro. Centésima Página bookshop, Braga.


30-31. October. 2013

Exhibition “Marcians in Braga”. Exhibition of paper news on the 25th anniversary of the episode “Marcians in Braga” and of the 75th anniversary of “War of the Worlds” of Orson Wells. University of Minho, Braga.


30. September. 2013

I National Seminar on Radio Studies

Organization in partnership with the Centro de Investigação Média e Jornalismo and the Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX. University of Coimbra.


13. February. 2013

World Radio Day

Debate “On the radio’s eyes”, with Fernando Alves (TSF) and Luis Miguel Pedrero (Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca). Biblioteca Lúcio Craveiro da Silva, Braga.