Team & Contacts
Maria Madalena da Costa Oliveira
Researcher and leading coordinator of this project, Madalena Oliveira is graduated in Communication Sciences, in the University of Minho, in 2001. She has worked as an intern journalist in TSF radio news, in Lisbon, as well as press officer. In 2007, she has got her Ph.D. in Communication Sciences, in the University of Minho, in the field of Sociology of Information, after presenting the doctoral thesis, «Metajornalismo… ou quando o jornalismo é sujeito do próprio discurso».
She is currently a member of the Communication Sciences Department, working as a professor of semiotics, radio journalism, to name a few. This researcher has been also working as secretary of SOPCOM, the Portuguese association for the Communication Sciences. She is member of the IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research) and ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association), in which she has been appointed as vice-chair of the radio research section in 2012.
Luís António Martins dos Santos
Luís Santos is graduated in Communication Sciences by the Superior School of Journalism, in Oporto. He has worked as a journalist for several years, in Portuguese newspapers and radios, such as Jornal de Notícias, Diário de Notícias, Rádio Press – TSF, as well as in BBC World Service. This last one, working from London, he has been a correspondent of Portuguese television TVI and RTP. Having completed his Master in International Politics, by the SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) in the University of London, he has finished his Ph.D in Communication Sciences, in the University of Minho, with his thesis under the subject of the online journalism.
Luís Santos has been working as a university teacher since 2000, in which he has been a co-founder of the Communication Sciences and Journalism Graduation in the University of Oporto. Teaching radio journalism between 2000-2003, Santos currently teaches journalism in the University of Minho, where he has been part of the research team of the Communication and Society Research Centre.
Pedro José Ermida Figueiredo Fernandes Portela
Pedro Portela is graduated in Informatics Engineering by the University of Minho, in 1994. In 2006, he has got his masters degree in Communication Sciences, in the same institution, with his thesis about radio and Internet.
Portela has been always worked in radio. In this sense, he has been, for several years, the host of the oldest programme in the university radio (RUM), called ‘Domínio dos Deuses‘, which intends to foster the musical expression, especially within the context of the less popular and mediatic bands. This show believes that there is a lot of quality that surpasses the eyes of the media giants. Pedro is also professor in the Communication Sciences Department, and is currently finishing his Ph.D. precisely about radio.
Ana Isabel Crispim Mendes Reis
Ana Isabel Reis is a radio journalist and lecturer in the University of Oporto. In 2011 she has presented her doctoral thesis in Communication Sciences in the University of Minho, called ‘O áudio no jornalismo radiofónico na Internet‘. She is also a member of the research team in the Communication and Society Research Centre. In terms of her scientific work, she has been mainly interested in radio, publishing articles and presenting papers about cyber-radio, radio and online journalism, listerners’ comments in radio websites, just to name a few.
Stanislaw Jedrzejewski
Stanislaw Jedrzejewski is a former professor in the Sociology Institute of the University of Warsaw. He has a MBA in the Universtity of Kozminski. After wokring several years in the public polish radio, he started to work as a teacher of media and communication in the Catholic University John Paul II, in Lublin. In 2005 he has been the main coordinator of the Polish Council of Radio and Television, acepting the invitation of the former president Aleksander Kwasniewski. Stanislaw has also been vice-chair of the radio research section of ECREA and polish Education Association (CERE) and member of International Amateur Radio Union.
Jedrzejewski has several books published about radio, such as Radio Renassence. From the monopoly to the competiton (1997), ‘Communicating through the radio. Innovation and trends’ (2003), ‘Public radiodifusion in Europe, in the digital age’ (2010). He is also a member of the Communication and Society Research Centre. In this moment he has been working as member of the administration council of the renewed polish radio.
Fábio Fonseca Ribeiro
Fábio Ribeiro is the present research assistant of this projetc. He gained his Ph.D. in Communication Sciences in the University of Minho, with his thesis ‘Citizens’ participation in the Portuguese media: motivations and constraints’, coordinated by professor Madalena Oliveira. He has worked in the research group Publiradio, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, participating in the project ‘La sono-esfera digital como nuevo entorno de recepción de mensajes sonoros entre los jóvenes. Estudio de los hábitos de escucha para el desarrollo de nuevos formatos de publicidad institucional’, funded by the Spanish Ministery of Science and Innovation.
Juan José Perona Paez
Juan José Perona Paez is a professor in the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Ph.D in Communications Sciences by the same institution, with his doctoral thesis ‘El Ritmo en la expresión radiofónica’, Perona is a former local radio journalist, especially in Catalonia, as well as experiencing press journalism in El Periódico de Catalunya. As a consultant of this project, it is expect that Perona will join the research team twice during the project’s ongoing tasks, namely in the experts reunion and, eventually, in the final conference. It is also likely that some members of this team will join him in Barcelona, during the Erasmus Intensive mission.
In terms of his academic interests, Perona has worked in several projects, such as ‘Estructura del sistema radiodifusor en Cataluña’, ‘Análisis de las nuevas modalidades de relación con la televisión y su consumo’ or even the newest ‘La sono-esfera digital como nuevo entorno de recepción de mensajes sonoros entre los jóvenes. Estudio de los hábitos de escucha para el desarrollo de nuevos formatos de publicidad institucional’, funded by the Spanish Ministery of Science and Innovation. He has published several books, for instance, ‘Redacción y locución en medios audiovisuales: la radio‘.
Luis Miguel Pedrero Esteban
Graduated in Information Sciences by the Pontifical University of Salamanca and Ph.D. in Audiovisual and Advertisement Communication by the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Pedrero was a journalist of Cadena Ser, in Madrid and Zamora, COPE correspondent in Salamanca musical editor of Spanish radios 40 Principales, M-80 and Cadena Dial. He has been also consultant of Radio Blanca (Kiss FM). Luis Miguel is now professor of the Pontifical University of Salamanca, where he teaches radio and radio programming. Among their various papers presented and published it is possible to find ‘La radio musical en el contexto de la digitalización‘ and ‘Comunicarse en un entorno ajeno: La inmigración como especialización mediática‘.
Jean-Jacques Cheval
MICA (Médiations, Information, Communication, Arts, EA 4426), of the international committee The Radio Journal, International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media and of the american journal Journal of Radio and Audio Media. Cheval founded GRER, the French group of radio researchers.
Regarding his research interests, he has been working in subjects such as audiovisual media, political sociology, media history, radiodifusion. He has also published several papers, such as ‘La radio: paroles données, paroles à prendre’, ‘De la excepción cultural a la Diversidad Cultural, el papel de los medios de comunicación’, ‘La radiodiffusion aux tournants des siècles’ and ‘ Audiences, Publics et Pratiques Radiophoniques’.
Guy Starkey
Guy Starkey is a professor in the University of Sunderland (UK) and is currently chair of the radio research section of ECREA and consultant of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). Starkey has a deep and long relationship with radio, first as journalist in the Independent Local Radio and BBC Radio Four and now into the entertainment, as hosting musical shows in british online radio The Voice of Peace.
As an academic, Starkey has published books related to radio, such as the new ‘Local Radio, Going Global’ (2012) and ‘Balance and Bias in Journalism: Representation, Regulation & Democracy ‘. In scientific journals, he published papers such as ‘Radio studies: the sound and vision of an established medium in the digital age?’ and ”’Live and local no more? Listening communities and globalising trends in the ownership and production of local radio’.
Research Project ‘Net Station: shapping radio for web environment
Communication and Society Research Centre
Universidade do Minho – Campus de Gualtar 4710-057 Braga – Portugal
Telephone: (+351) 253 60 17 51