
Book launch of NET Station 2015 Proceedings

Correio do Minho – “Radio, Sound and Internet lançado em E-book


Presentation of the book “From Pirate to the Internet: 25 years of local radio” – 3rd March 2015 [Only in Portuguese]

Observador - “Internet não é uma “ameaça” às rádios locais mas um “complemento”

JPN - “Das Piratas à Internet”: os desafios da rádio em livro

Rádio Nova - “Sessão de apresentação do livro “Das Piratas à Internet: 25 anos de Rádios Locais””


Diário do Minho - “Livro da UMinho apresenta a história de 25 anos de rádios locais”


Correio do Minho - “Rádios Piratas podem recuperar espírito das piratas”



World Radio Day 2015 – NET Station activities

1. Public Television RTP presented a news report on the special broadcasting of Public Radio Antena 1 from Braga’s High School D. Maria II. In this event, researchers from NET Station have actively participated: Pedro Portela talked about some of the main conclusion of his recently published PhD thesis, under the subject of radio consumption in the 21st century; Luís António Santos participated as a radio studies scholar; and Madalena Oliveira introduced NET Station’s most recent output, the e-book “From Pirates to the Internet: 25 years of local radio”.



2.  Ana Isabel Reis was in a special programme of Radio Nova. Here are the podcast of that participation: link 1 and link 2.

3. Pedro Portela was in RUM (University of Minho Radio) to participate in the afternoon’s talk about radio. 



Luís António Santos interview – University of Minho Radio [only in Portuguese]



«The economic crisis was harder in other media than in radio»

ARIC’s (Association of Christian Radios)  Page on Facebook, 23th May 2014



Exhibition ‘Martians in Braga in 1988′s Press

Braga Tv -

Rádio Renascença, 30-10-2013 - Hoje passam 75 anos das célebre Guerra dos Mundos de Orson Welles

Yesterday, RUM (The Radio of University of Minho) has celebrated the Exhibition ‘Martians in Braga in 1988′s Press’ with a particular programme. Ferreirinha Antunes and Lima Duarte, both former workers in Radio Braga involved in this episode, were alongside Madalena Oliveira and Luís António Santos, both researchers in NET Station project, to remember the circumstances of that day, apart from the discussion of the imaginative role and power of radio. Here, in the following link (only in Portuguese):

Diário do Minho – 31/11/2013 – ‘Exposição “Marcianos em Braga” recorda célebre “invasão” à cidade’

Jornal Académico – 5/11/2013 – ‘Foi há 25 anos que os marcianos aterraram em Braga’



National business meeting – Radio researchers, University of Coimbra 30th September 2013

SOL – “A rádio está à procura do seu espaço na internet

Meios & Publicidade -  “A rádio está à procura do seu espaço na internet

Bom Dia – “Salvação da rádio está nos computadores

Diário das Beiras – “Encontro nacional debate desafios da investigação em rádio”


I online – “A rádio está à procura do seu espaço na internet

Diário Digital – “A rádio está à procura do seu espaço na internet

Notícias ao Minuto – “Encontro Nacional: A rádio está à procura do seu espaço na Internet

RTP 2 and ESEC TV - “Encontro Nacional de estudos de rádio


 World Day of Radio – February 13th 2013, with Fernando Alves, radio journalist in TSF

Diário do Minho