International Conference Transcultural Mobilities and Memories. April 15-16, 2021. Netcult (ILCH/CEHUM). University of Minho. Online Conference.
XIII Jornadas de Cinema em português. November 11-13th, 2020. Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã. Online Conference.
The Graz Conference 2020. Historical consciousness. Historical thinking. Historical culture. November 11- 14th, 2020. Graz University. Online Conference.
IV Colóquio Mediação em Diálogo. A mediação em tempo de crise: pelo diálogo, pela diversidade e desenvolvimento. May 21, 2020. Online Conference.
VI Congresso Internacional de Culturas: Culturas pela vida em um mundo angustiado. November 18-20, 2020. Online Conference.
XI SOPCOM Congress Communication, tourism and culture – Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences. November 13-15th, 2019. Universidade da Madeira.
V Congresso Internacional de Culturas: que cultura(s) para o século XXI? November 6- 8th 2019. Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã.
International Conference History Education and the State. September, 26-27, 2019. University of Petroria, in Pretoria – South Africa.
International Seminar Towards decolonising teaching and research: Perspectives and experiences in history and social sciences education. September, 25 th, 2019. University of Pretoria, Groenkloof Campus, in Pretoria – South Africa.
IV CHAM International Conference on Innovation, Invention and Memory in Africa. July, 17-19, 2019. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon.
7th Biennial Afroeuropeans Network Conference. July, 4-6, 2019, Lisbon.
A lusofonia enquanto olhar colonial. Seminário Permanente de Estudos Pós-Coloniais. 17th June 2019. Instituto de Ciências Sociais, University of Minho, Braga.
9th AIM Annual Meeting – Association of Moving Image Researchers. 13th to 16th May 2019, Santiago de Compostela.
History teaching, history politics, identity formation from the Cold War to the present: history text books and their societal context. Aue-Foundation & University of Helsinki. 6 th April 2019. Helsinki – Finland.
2nd International Conference Activisms in Africa – “Dynamics of Social Transformation of the African Continent: Trends and Perspectives / Dinâmicas de Transformação Social do Continente Africano: Tendências e Perspectivas. 25th to 27th February 2019, in Bissau – Guiné Bissau.
Third International Cross-Cultural Communication Conference – Cultural Identity and Diversity as Assets to Global Understanding. 23rd to 24th January 2019, Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
XIII Congress of Lusocom – Comunicação e informação para o desenvolvimento. November, 28th – 30th 2018. Eduardo Mondlane University – Maputo, Mozambique. (The website is only available in Portuguese ).