Project Cultures Past &Present promotes the II Virtual Encounter: African Museums of Ethnology and Anthropology on June 28th

The project “Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?” promotes the II Virtual Meeting: African Museums of Ethnology and Anthropology next Tuesday, 28 June 2022, from 9 am (Lisbon time, Portugal).

The meeting aims to promote dialogue between the different directors and technicians of museums from four Portuguese-speaking countries, namely, the National Anthropology Museum and the Regional Museum of Huíla from Angola; the Ethnographic Museum of Praia from Cabo Verde; the National Ethnographic Museum of Guinea Bissau, from Guinea Bissau, and the National Ethnology Museum of Nampula, from Mozambique, with researchers in the area.

The event is divided into two themes, the first part on “Inventory, cataloguing and conservation” and the second part on “Public training and educational services”, moderation by Débora Merali and Lurdes Macedo respectively. Access is free, and will be held through the Zoom platform.

The organising committee is composed of the researchers of the Project Cultures Past Present, João Sarmento (CECS/University of Minho), Lurdes Macedo (CICANT/Lusófona University) and Alda Costa (Eduardo Mondlane University).

This Cultures Past & Present initiative is supported by the Centre for Communication and Society Studies, the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Minho, the Eduardo Mondlane University, the Aga Khan Development Network and the Foundation for Science and Technology, FCT.

Call for papers for III International Conference on Caribbean, Iberoamerican and African Literature and Culture

The call for papers for the III International Conference Caribbean, Iberoamerican and African Literature and Culture: Encounters, Exchanges and Deviations in Difference is now open. The Conference aims to be a privileged space for research, reflection and debate in favour of scientific and cultural research and will take place at the Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia (UA), from 23 to 25 November 2022, in an online format. Paper proposals can be submitted until 15 July 2022.

Following on from the previous editions held at the Instituto de Ciências da Educação de Luanda – ISCED-Luanda, Angola (2019), and at the Universidade Zambeze – UniZambeze, Mozambique (2021), this edition has the particularity of incorporating content from the literature, culture and language of the Caribbean, Ibero-American and African countries, in particular, the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries, and of being preceded by preparatory activities and conversations in said online format during May, June, August, September and October, in 2022.

This scientific event will pay tribute to Renato Cardoso (Cape Verdean poet, composer and diplomat murdered on 29 September 1989) and Roberto Burgos (Colombian Caribbean singer, narrator, José María Arguedas Narrative Award from the House of the Americas 1st National Novel Award, died in 2018). The Conference configures a space for dialogue and construction of international research networks, discussing contemporary themes transversal to various areas of knowledge, from linguistic, legal economic and socio-cultural policies in the Caribbean, Ibero-American and African spaces of Portuguese-speaking countries, to the critical problematization of the concept of lusophony and hispanophony, to reach the press, the intellectual history, of books and culture, publishing, the arts and the impact of women’s writing in the context of contemporary thought(s) and struggles for their rights.

The proposals, which may be in Portuguese, Spanish or English, must include the title of the paper, institutional affiliation, the abstract (up to 250 words), five keywords, and a brief biographical note (up to 150 words). They should be submitted to the email:

This initiative involves CHAM – Centro de Humanidades, NOVA FCSH, Portugal; the Centro de Estudos Multidisciplinares (CEM) Eduardo Augusto Kambwa of the Instituto Superior das Ciências da Educação de Luanda (ISCED-Luanda), Angola; the Movimento Literário e Artístico Lev’Arte (Lev’Arte), Angola the University of Luanda, Faculty of Arts (IUL-FaArts), the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Universidad del Atántico (FCSH-UA), Barranquilla, Colombia; the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH) of Zambeze University (UniZambeze), Mozambique; the Centre for Communication and Society Studies, University of Minho (CECS/UMinho); Project “Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal? (CECS/UMinho) (; the Universidade de Santiago (US), Cape Verde; the Universidade Licungo (UniLicungo), Mozambique; the Universidad Autónoma de México (UAM); and the CONCHA Project (EU H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 research and innovation programme under grant agreement Nº 777998).

Call for papers for the Symposium Terra Sonâmbula

The year 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the publication of the work “Terra Sonâmbula” by Mia Couto, and in commemoration of this anniversary, the Symposium on Terra Sonâmbula will be held at Licungo University in Mozambique. The call for papers is open for thematic symposium proposals until July 4.

The research project “Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?” and the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) of the University of Minho, are part of the organisation of the event.

The writer Mia Couto, professor Moisés de Lemos Martins (CECS/University of Minho and PI-project Cultures Past &Present) and professor Severino Ngoenha, Technical University of Mozambique, will participate as guests.

More information about the call for papers is available on the event website. Abstract submission: here

Suggested themes:

Culture, Education, Science, Health, Language and Literature
Culture, Politics, Peace, Democracy and Fight against Inequalities
Culture, Education, Science, Health, Language and Literature
Culture, Politics, Peace, Democracy and Fight against Inequalities
Cultural Diversity, Rights, Gender and Sexuality
Culture, Development, Networks and Technologies
Culture, Communication, Arts, Sensitivity and Popular Knowledge
Culture, Society, Environment and Climate Change

Organisation and partners:
Licungo University, Camões Institute, Fernando Leite Couto Foundation, Indico, Communication and Society Research Centre, “Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?”, and Aga Khan Network for development.

Final programme for the International Conference on Arts, Cultures and Media

On May 25th, the International Conference “Arts, Cultures and Media: Intercultural Communication and Technological Landscapes in the Portuguese-Speaking World” will be held. This scientific event, held within the research project “Memories, cultures and identities: the past and present of intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal” (Cultures Past & Present), takes place at the University of Aveiro and is associated with the 1st Congress of the National Network of Cultural Studies (RNEC), which takes place at that university on 26 and 27 May.

More than 30 papers make up the programme involving dozens of researchers from universities in Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique and China.

The closing ceremony will also be marked by the presentation of the book “Abrir os Gomos do Tempo: Conversas Sobre Cinema em Moçambique”, edited by the researchers of the project Cultures Past & Present, Ana Cristina Pereira and Rosa Cabecinhas (CECS, University of Minho, Portugal) and the screening of the film “O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis” (João Botelho, 2020), and an interview “De Saramago nos fazemos” with Viviane Saramago Matos, conducted by Luísa Antunes Paolinelli. The session will be held in the context of the centenary of the writer José Saramago and the initiative “100 hours with Saramago”. Event organized jointly with the Virtual Museum of Lusophony, University of Madeira, Mackenzie University of São Paulo and University of Minho.

Check out the full programme.

See the provisional programme for the International Conference on Arts, Cultures and Media

On May 25, 2022, will be held the  International Conference “Arts, Cultures and Media: Intercultural Communication and Technological Landscapes in the Portuguese-Speaking World”, in the scope of the project “Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?”. The conference will take place at the Rectory building of Aveiro University.

See the provisional programme:

9h – 9h30 am| Inaugural Session

Rectory’s Sala de Atos

Maria Manuel Baptista (University of Aveiro, Portugal)

Moisés de Lemos Martins (CECS, University of Minho, Portugal)

Eliseu Mabasso (Eduardo Mondlane University , Mozambique)

9h30 – 11h am| Session 1: Cultural heritage, memory and identities

Room: Rectory’s Sala de Atos

Palimpsestos de Lisboa – Francisco Ferreira da Silva  (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Memories of Portugal: The Transforming Identity and Dramatic Narration of Macau – Hongliang ZHOU (Zhejiang University, China)

Ruy Cinatti e a representação do “Outro”: ambiguidades e contradições – João Pedro Góis  (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Temporalidades sobrepostas – Notas sobre re-existir para além de resistir em Luís Bernardo Honwana  – Lurdes Macedo (CECS, Lusófona University), Viviane Almeida (CEHUM, University of Minho, Portugal) e Renata Zanete  (CEHUM, University of Minho, Portugal)

A revalorização do artesanato na era pós-industrial – Luisa Leão Silva (University of Beira Interior, Portugal)

11h am- 11h30 am | Break

11h30 am – 1h pm | Session 2: Cultures and Identities
Room:  Rectory Acts Room

Foto-livro: contributos para uma arqueologia dos média – Maria da Luz Correia (CECS, University of Azores, Portugal) 

Lutos em 24 qps – relações ensaísticas entre luto e criatividade em representações cinematográficasHenrique Denis Lucas (University of Beira Interior, Portugal)

A (Re)construção da memória cultural através do cinema: grupos focais sobre os filmes “48” e “Memória em 3 atos” – Isabel Macedo, Alice Balbé, Luís Camanho e Tiago Vieira da Silva (CECS, University of Minho, Portugal)

Um estaleiro, um padrão, muitas vidas: a memória do património pela imagem – Carla Patrícia Ribeiro e Amândio Barros ( Polytechnic of Porto)

A Europa nas paisagens mediáticas: imagens e representações na narrativa da crise europeia – Daniel Noversa (CECS, University of Minho, Portugal)

11h30 am – 1h15 pm | Session 3: Cultures and Identities

Room: Rectory Meeting Room

A (im)possibilidade da memória cultural identitária na diáspora: uma reflexão a partir da narrativa sonora de Isabel Novela e o questionamento sobre a “moçambicanidade” – Sérgio Jeremias Langa (Escola Superior de Jornalismo, Moçambique) e António Cipriano Parafino Gonçalves (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Moçambique)

Iniciativa Maputo Fast Forward (MFF) : desenvolvimento do ecossistema cultural e criativo em Moçambique – Rui Trindade (QIDEIA) e Luís Teixeira (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal)

Cultura e narrativas moçambicanas na televisão – Celestino Joanguete (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Moçambique)

A midiatização da tatuagem no contexto do Instagram – Vanessa Barros (CECS, Universidade do Minho, Portugal)

1h pm- 2h pm | Lunch Break

2h pm – 3h45 pm| Session 4: Arts, education and intercultural communication

Room: Rectory’s Sala de Atos

Os exames públicos e as premiações na construção ética e estética de professoras no Brasil  – Ana Paula Rufino  (CEEL, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)

Nó Górdio e Relações entre Moçambique e Portugal: Futuro inventado nas escolas moçambicanas da Província de Sofala – Armindo Armando, Augusto Alberto (Zambeze University,, Moçambique), Martins Mapera (Licungo University, Mozambique) e Rosa Cabecinhas (CECS, University of Minho)

Memória em três actos: ensinar com o filme ou abrutecer com o silêncio – Martins Mapera (Licungo University, Mozambique)

Os fanzines como recurso didático e cultural no processo formativo de docentes – Clézio dos Santos (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Educação, criança e rua: dinâmicas sociais e políticas públicas em Moçambique – Marlene Vanessa Jamal (Zambeze University, Mozambique), Moisés de Lemos Martins (CECS, University of Minho, Portugal) e Júlio Chibemo (Zambeze University, Mozambique)

Experimento Prático de Comunicação Para Mudança Social e de Comportamento em Saneamento e Higiene na Cidade da Beira – Manuela Pery (Universidade Zambeze) e Moisés de Lemos Martins (CECS, University of Minho)

3h45 -4h pm | Break

4h pm – 5h30pm | Session 5: Museums, Arts and Narratives
Room: Rectory’s Sala de Atos

À procura de histórias desconhecidas no Museu Nacional de Etnologia em Nampula: quem são alguns dos mestres escultores e quais são as suas obras? – Alda Costa (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Moçambique) & Gianfranco Gandolfo

Património Africano: entre o passado e o presente coloniais – João Sarmento (CECS, Universidade do Minho, Portugal)

A arte contemporânea africana. Novos atores, novas estratégias – José Carlos Venâncio (CECS, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal)

As identidades transnacionais e transculturais. O Museu Virtual da Lusofonia como produto da pós-colonialidade, das lusofonias e da interculturalidade – Vitor de Sousa (CECS, Universidade do Minho, Portugal)

A figura feminina nas narrativas de jovens sobre a memória do passado colonial: um estudo a partir de Maputo e Nampula – Edson Mugabe e Eliseu Mabasso (Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Moçambique)

4pm – 5h45 pm| Sessão 6: Arts, cultures and new media
Room: Meeting Room of the Rectory

Meu museu de arqueologia: processo de criação e desenvolvimento de um videogame para interatividade e compreensão do trabalho com acervos arqueológicos no Museu Paranaense – Nathan dos Santos Alves, Claudia Inês Parellada, Gabriel Ruviaro Gomes, João Vitor de Oliveira dos Anjos (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil)

A arte, a inclusão e as TIC’s – Isaú Meneses (Institute for Arts and Culture, Mozambique)

Jornalismo, cultura e educação: uma análise da plataforma digital O gerador – Susana Pimenta e Daniela Fonseca (University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal)

Observatório da Qualidade no Audiovisual: curadoria, produção experimental de conteúdo e divulgação científica – Gabriela Borges (University of Algarve, Portugal)

A integração do telemóvel no ambiente escolar. Caso da escola Secundária Samora Machel- Chimoio/ Centro de Moçambique – Reginaldo Mutemba (​​Graduate School of Journalism, Mozambique)

A comodificação da literatura nos hotéis literários e a perceção da sua autenticidade na Internet – Sara Pascoal, Laura Tallone, Marco Furtado (CEI, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal)

6h pm – 6h30pm | Book Presentation

Presentation: Maria Manuel Baptista (University of Aveiro, Portugal)
Presentation of the book “Abrir os Gomos do Tempo: Conversas Sobre Cinema em Moçambique”, edited by Ana Cristina Pereira and Rosa Cabecinhas (CECS, University of Minho, Portugal)

6h30 pm | Closure Session

8h30 pm| Cinema session and debate

Room: Rectory’s Sala de Atos

Moderation: Moisés de Lemos Martins
Screening of the film O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis with the presence of director João Botelho, as part of writer José Saramago’s centenary and the initiative “100 hours with Saramago”. The event is organised jointly with the Virtual Museum of Lusophony, the University of Madeira, the Mackenzie University of São Paulo, and the University of Minho.

Registration is free and can be done using the form: here.


Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?” (Cultures Past & Present)

CECS – Communication and Society Research Centre

RNEC – Rede Nacional em Estudos Culturais

Published the book “Abrir os Gomos do Tempo: Conversas Sobre Cinema em Moçambique” under the project

The book “Abrir os Gomos do Tempo: Conversas Sobre Cinema em Moçambique“, edited by Ana Cristina Pereira (CES/UC) and Rosa Cabecinhas (CECS/UM), researchers of the project “Memories, Cultures and Identities: the past and present of intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal” (FCT/Aga Khan) has just been published by UMinho Editora. The book published in the context of the project brings together a set of interviews with personalities on the history of cinema in Mozambique and is available for open access

This set of conversations is essentially aimed at those who like to hear stories told. These conversations have a strong cinematographic slant, not only because the motto that runs through them is cinema in Mozambique, but mainly because the way in which the memories that inhabit this space are revealed is also often formulated through images that have movement. Abrir os Gomos do Tempo: Conversas Sobre Cinema em Moçambique is also for those people who, like us, are happy to hear again the phrase, “another world is possible!” and has, in our view, the beauty and strength of the words of those who believe in new possibilities of life. The book opens with a preface by Nataniel Ngomane and consists of a set of conversations with key personalities in the history of Mozambican cinema: Américo Soares, Faria de Almeida, Gabriel Mondlane, Jean-Luc Godard, João Ribeiro, José Cardoso, Licinio Azevedo, Lopes Barbosa, Luís Carlos Patraquim, Pedro Pimenta, Ruy Guerra and Sol de Carvalho. The interviews were conducted by Ana Cristina Pereira, Diana Manhiça, Lurdes Macedo, Maria do Carmo Piçarra, Rosa Cabecinhas, Sheila Khan and Sílvia Vieira. The book ends with a speech by José Luís Cabaço, made in 1980, when he was Mozambique’s Minister of Information, accompanied by an introduction made by Cabaço himself, which corresponds to his current reading of that speech as Minister. This book is dedicated to the memory of Joaquim Lopes Barbosa (1945-2021) and is simultaneously a heartfelt tribute to all filmmakers who had the courage to face State censorship. This modest gesture is intended to encourage all those who still face it, in its many and varied forms. Dictators die, regimes pass, but films remain.

Project researchers participate in XII SOPCOM

Several researchers from the project “Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?” presented papers at the XII Congress SOPCOM – Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences – with the theme Communication & Disruption. Cultural, societal and technological challenges. This edition took place in face-to-face format in Lisbon, between the 11th and 13th of April 2022, at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon.

The researchers of the project participated in the Congress with communication:

Alice Balbé (CECS/UM) & Luís Camanho (ID+/FBLUP) “Looking at intercultural relations in Margot Dias’ films. Objectivities, subjectivities and opacities”.

Isabel Macedo & Tiago Vieira da Silva (CECS/UM) “Immigrant, foreigner, “the other”? Representations of cultural identities in Portuguese cinema”.

Ana Cristina Pereira (CES/UC) “(Re)dressing colonialism: Olavo Amado’s haute couture”.

Tiago Silva, Moisés de Lemos Martins & Elaine Trindade (CECS/UM) “Colonial reminiscences under the sign of oneirism: A Batalha de Babatô (2013) and Our Madness (2018) by João Viana”.

Vítor Sousa (CECS/UM) “The marks of Luso-Tropicalism in the interventions of the Portuguese President of the Republic Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (2016-2021)”.

Rosa Cabecinhas (CECS/UM) “Emigrants and immigrants: Images, cleavages and mirages in Portuguese school textbooks”.

Isabel Macedo, Alice Balbé & Rosa Cabecinhas (CECS/UM) “Invisibilities and racism: the representations of the gypsy population in History manuals in Portugal”.

The next SOPCOM Congress will be held at the University of Minho in February 2024.

Open registrations for the International Conference on Arts, Cultures and Media

The International Conference “Arts, Cultures and Media: Intercultural Communication and Technological Landscapes in the Portuguese-Speaking World”, organized by the Cultures Past & Present project, already has open registration for participants with and without communication in the face-to-face or virtual format. The Conference will be held on May 25, 2022, at the University of Aveiro and is associated with the I Congress of the National Network of Cultural Studies (RNEC), which will take place at that university on May 26 and 27.
Participation is free but subject to prior registration: here.

The call for papers with abstract submission is open until April 10, 2022. More information here.


Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?” (Cultures Past & Present)

CECS – Communication and Society Research Centre

RNEC – Rede Nacional em Estudos Culturais

Call for papers: Conference Arts, Cultures and Media: Intercultural communication and technological landscapes in the Portuguese-speaking world

The call for papers for the International Conference “Arts, Cultures and Media: Intercultural Communication and Technological Landscapes in the Portuguese-Speaking World” is open until April 10. This scientific event, held within the scope of the research project “Memories, Cultures and Identities: how the past weights in the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal”, will take place at the University of Aveiro on May 25 and is associated with the 1st Congress of the National Network of Cultural Studies (RNEC), which will be held at that university on May 26th and 27th.

The digital transformations in contemporary society make information technologies, media, arts, and cultures converge while changing attitudes and practices. The new technological landscape is that of a culture in “status nascendi”, which includes new tools, artists and creators, archives, museums, films, transforming them and changing teaching-learning practices. Works and cultural and artistic narratives can be transferred from one medium to another and even converted, through licensing, into merchandise or even give rise to another product.

In this international conference, we propose to debate the current technological transformations in arts, cultures and media, questioning their production, conversion to digital, and the audiences and their interaction with the produced works. We also intend to explore the contributions of digital platforms and repositories in promoting open access to knowledge. We invite researchers to reflect on the various forms of technological interconnection in arts, cultures and media, focusing on one or more of the following topics:

– cultures, arts and audiences;

– cultural and artistic heritage and their digital communication;

– digital culture, technological infrastructures and sustained local development;

– literacies, civic participation and creative action;

– (digital) cultural production in Portuguese-speaking countries;

– technological creativity in culture and concern for citizenship and social inclusion;

– textbooks, digital databases, virtual museums and open access knowledge repositories;

– new technological atmospheres and professional practices in the digital context (web designers, curators, virtual museum managers, activists, YouTubers…);

– protection, security and communication of digital cultural content;

– technologies and communication for development.

The abstract (between 200 to 300 words) with title and keywords should be sent by April 10 to:

Participation is free but subject to prior registration:


Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?” (Cultures Past & Present)

CECS – Communication and Society Research Centre

RNEC – Rede Nacional em Estudos Culturais

Roundtable discussion on “Representations of Slavery and the Slave Trade in School Textbooks”

A round table discussion on “Representations of Slavery and Slave Trade in Textbooks” will be held on February 8, at 18h00. The meeting has the participation of researchers Jacob Lussento Cupata, Armindo Armando, Alice Balbé and will be moderated by Rosa Cabecinhas.

This thematic table will take place in the context of the exhibition “Empire of Fear: an exhibition on slavery and slave trade”, on display at the Lúcio Craveiro da Silva Library, from January 12 to February 12. 

This activity is a partnership between the Lúcio Craveiro da Silva Library and CECS, through the Permanent Seminar on Communication and Diversity, the Permanent Seminar on Post-Colonial Studies and the Culture, Past & Present Project – “Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?”

The event will be held online.