Call for papers

The International Congress “Europe as a space for intercultural dialogue and mediation” will take place on 26 and 27 April 2018 at the University of Minho.

The organizing committee invites all those interested in the theme of the congress to participate with the presentation of papers. Proposals that seek to promote the interdisciplinary debate on the challenges of contemporary society will be welcome, addressing issues such as migration, diversity, intercultural communication and mediation. The topics proposed for presentations are the following:

  • Intercultural Communication
  • Intercultural Education
  • Cultural Studies
  • Human Rights
  • Social Mediation
  • New Challenges in Europe

Proposals for oral communications and posters  may be submitted.

Official languages​: Portuguese, French, English and Spanish.


Submission Instructions

The abstracts will have a maximum extension of 500 words and should be sent through the form available on the event website. Communication proposals should be submitted in Portuguese, French, English and Spanish.

Each participant can only sign up to two proposals, as first author.

For questions regarding the submission of proposals, please contact:

Full texts resulting from communications presented at the congress will be publish in an ebook.


Key Dates

Submission deadline: December 15, 2017 (NEW DEADLINE)

Notification of authors: January 31, 2018

Registration deadline: March 30, 2018

Full text submission deadline: May 7, 2018

Comments are closed.