Do we recall that the call for papers for the II International Conference on Culture & Society – What Literacy (s) for Economic and Social Justice? ends on December 15, 2020. The conference will be held at the University Zambeze, in the city of Beira, Mozambique, on 27 and 28 May 2021, in partnership with the project Cultures Past & Present and the Center for Communication and Society Studies (CECS) of the University of Minho.
The conference is organized in the following thematic groups: Literature, Language, Cultures and Communication; Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, and Intercultural Communication; Justice, Human Rights, Democracy and Citizenship; and, Culture, Economy and Human Development. Details of the submission can be checked here.
This initiative involves CHAM – Centre for the Humanities of FCSH-Universidade NOVA de
Lisboa / Universidade dos Açores, the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (CEM) Eduardo
Augusto Kambwa of the Higher Institute of Educational Sciences of Luanda (ISCED-Luanda), the Literary and Artistic Movement Lev´Arte of Angola, the Center for Legal, Economic and Social Research (CIJES) of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH) of Zambeze University, the Higher Institute of Sciences and Technologies Alberto Chipande (ISCTAC), of Mozambique, and the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS).
This scientific event sets up a space for dialogue and for the construction of international networks, addressing contemporary themes that are transversal to various areas of knowledge. From linguistic to legal-economic and socio-cultural policies in the Portuguese-speaking countries to the critical problematization of the concept of Lusophony, from the press, intellectual history, books and culture, publishing, the arts to the impact of female writing on the understanding of the thought expressed in the Portuguese language. The conference also aims to pay tribute to Heliodoro Baptista (poet) and Romualdo Johnam (musician).