Moisés de Lemos Martins receives Gold Insignia from the University of Santiago de Compostela

The University of Santiago de Compostela awards the Gold Insignia to the researcher Moisés de Lemos Martins, full professor at the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Minho, director of the Center for Communication and Society Studies (CECS) and coordinator of the research project Cultures Past & Present.

The distinction awarded by the Galician university is in recognition of the work carried out by the ICS professor on behalf of strengthening academic and cultural relationships in the Portuguese-speaking world. This recognition is granted to “personalities who stand out for their services to the institution, both because of their longevity and because of their special relevance”. Together with the director of CECS, also Margarida Krohling Kunsch, a professor at the University of São Paulo (Brazil), will receive the Gold Insignia of this university in Galicia.

Moisés de Lemos Martins is director of CECS and the scientific journals of this research unit (Comunicação e Sociedade, Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais and Vista). He is also director of the Lusofonia Virtual Museum, a structure that is on Google Arts & Culture and which became a cultural unit of the University of Minho, in early 2021. He was director of the Department of Communication Sciences and president of the Instituto de Social Sciences. Martins was also president of Sopcom (Portuguese Association of Communication Sciences), Lusocom (Lusophone Federation of Communication Sciences) and Confibercom (Ibero-American Confederation of Scientific and Academic Communication Associations), and is currently general secretary of Assibercom (Association Ibero-American Communication).

Professor Moisés de Lemos Martins

Among his work are the publications: Pensar Portugal – A Modernidade de um País Antigo (2021), Crise no Castelo da Cultura (2011), L’imaginaire des médias (co-author with Michel Maffesoli, 2011), Portugal Ilustrado em Postais (co-author with Madalena Oliveira, 2011), Caminhos nas Ciências Sociais (2010), Comunicação e Lusofonia (co-author with Helena Sousa and Rosa Cabecinhas, 2006), A Linguagem, a Verdade e o Poder (2002), and, O Olho de Deus no Discurso Salazarista (1990).

The ceremony was held in October, Salón de Graos do Colexio de San Xerome, of USC, in Santiago de Compostela, and was also attended by the Rector of the University of Minho, Rui Vieira de Castro, among other researchers and authorities.

Project researchers participate in the VII International Congress of Cultures

Reenchanting Cultures is the theme of the VII International Congress of Cultures organized by the International Network of Studies on Cultures, held from November 24th to 26th, 2021. Several researchers from the Cultures Past & Present project participate in the congress with presentations of papers, panels, mediation sessions, and the organization and scientific committee.

The seventh edition of the Congresso de Culturas is carried out through the Culturas portal and broadcast through the Congress channel on YouTube, due to the conditions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The International Network for Cultural Studies brings together Brazilian, Portuguese and Mozambican universities, namely, the Federal University of Bahia and the University of Reconcavo da Bahia, from Brazil, the University of Minho and the University of Beira Interior, from Portugal, and the University Zambezi, from Mozambique.

Follow the presentation program:

On 11/25:

  1. “O passado que não quer passar?”: o passado colonial no imaginário de jovens na província de Maputo | Edson Mugabe; Belchior Canivete; Eliseu Mabasso. No GT 1 – Sala 1. Horário: 14h BR – 17H PT – 19H MZ
  2. Representações do “eu” e do “outro” nos manuais escolares portugueses: passado, presente e futuro das relações interculturais | Alice Balbé; Rosa Cabecinhas; Isabel Macedo. No GT 1 – Sala 2. Horário: 14h BR – 17H PT – 19H MZ
  3. O cinema e o povo: olhares contra-hegemónicos no filme Deixem-me ao menos subir às palmeiras (1971) de Lopes Barbosa | Tiago Vieira da Silva; Isabel Moreira Macedo; Moisés de Lemos Martins. No GT 1 – Sala 3. Horário: 14h BR – 17H PT – 19H MZ
  4. EDUCAÇÃO, CRIANÇA E RUA: DINÂMICAS SOCIAIS E POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS EM MOÇAMBIQUE | Marlene Vanessa Marques Jamal; Moisés de Lemos Martins; Júlio Chibemo Taimira. No GT 5 – Sala 12. Horário: 14h BR – 17H PT – 19H MZ

Researcher Rosa Cabecinhas is a mediator of GT 1 – Culture, politics, democracy and combating inequalities and oppression, which she coordinates with Rita Aragão, from the Federal University of Bahia, José Rosa and Urbano Sidoncha, from the University of Beira Interior.

On 11/26:

The panel 4 – Culturas das Redes – Moses Martins and Martins Mapera participate, along with Annamaria Palacios and Messias Bandeira, from Universidade Federal da Bahia. Horário: 10h30m BR – 13h30m PT – 15h30m MZ

  1. Percepções de professores e alunos sobre o uso de filmes no ensino de história: Estudo de caso da Província de Sofala | Augusto Alberto; Martins Mapera; Rosa Cabecinhas. No GT 3 – Sala 50. Horário: 14h BR – 17H PT – 19H MZ
  2. Representação Social da História de Moçambique nas Escolas Secundárias: província de Sofala | Armindo Armando; Martins Mapera; Rosa Cabecinhas. No GT 3 – Sala 50. Horário: 14h BR – 17H PT – 19H MZ
  3. A mobilidade como eixo estruturante da CPLP para os próximos anos, para potenciar a cultura e as indústrias criativas | Vítor de Sousa; Pedro Rodrigues Costa; Manuel Gama. No GT 1 – Sala 16. Horário: 14h BR – 17H PT – 19H MZ

More information:

The Project participates in the 2nd edition of the UMinho Prize for Initiation in Scientific Research

The presentations of the projects developed under the 2nd UMinho Prize for Initiation in Scientific Research were held on 12 November. Lara Campinho, 2nd-year student of the Degree in Sociology, at the Institute of Social Sciences, presented a poster resulting from the work entitled “Young people in the face of History: Images and narratives of interculturality in Portuguese and Mozambican school manuals”, developed with the scope of Cultures Past & Present project, coordinated by Moisés de Lemos Martins.

Lara Campinho 2nd year student of Sociology at ICS, University of Minho

The project developed by the student, with the Cultures Past & Present project team, focused on the analysis of textbooks from Mozambique and Portugal. Lara took part in the initiative for the second time and shows interest in following the path of scientific research.

Lara Campinho presenting the poster to Dean Rui Vieira de Castro and Vice Dean for Education Laurinda Leite

The UMinho Prize for Initiation in Scientific Research was created with the aim of providing an opportunity to bring students, from the 1st cycle and the first three years of integrated Masters, closer to real contexts of scientific research and insertion in research teams that they work on creating new and relevant knowledge by engaging them in supervised research activities that foster their interest in science.

The presentations were held at the Pedagogical Complex 1, on the Campus de Gualtar, at the University of Minho.

Review Permanent Seminar for Research and Community dedicated to the Cultures Past & Present project

The Permanent Seminar for Research and Community (SPIC) took place on October 20, at the Education Auditorium, dedicated to the Cultures Past &Present project. “History, Media and Education: action research in Mozambique and Portugal” was the theme of this SPIC, which included the participation of Augusto Alberto, Armindo Armando, Marlene Vanessa Jamal, from the Zambeze University, and Alice Balbé, from the Centro de Estudos de Communication and Society (CECS) of the University of Minho. The session was moderated by Rosa Cabecinhas, a researcher at CECS and co-ordinator of the project. The session can be watched here.

The Permanent Seminar for Research and Community aims to share and debate with the community the work developed by CECS researchers, make the results of the different platforms of the center public, as well as discuss and enhance future networks of joint work.

This event was a joint activity of the Permanent Seminar on Research and Community and the Permanent Seminar on Communication and Diversity.