A round table discussion on “Representations of Slavery and Slave Trade in Textbooks” will be held on February 8, at 18h00. The meeting has the participation of researchers Jacob Lussento Cupata, Armindo Armando, Alice Balbé and will be moderated by Rosa Cabecinhas.
This thematic table will take place in the context of the exhibition “Empire of Fear: an exhibition on slavery and slave trade”, on display at the Lúcio Craveiro da Silva Library, from January 12 to February 12.
This activity is a partnership between the Lúcio Craveiro da Silva Library and CECS, through the Permanent Seminar on Communication and Diversity, the Permanent Seminar on Post-Colonial Studies and the Culture, Past & Present Project – “Memories, cultures and identities: how the past weights on the present-day intercultural relations in Mozambique and Portugal?”
The event will be held online.